Carbon Audit Outputs

All Emission Statement carbon footprint audits are individually tailored to the organisation. A comprehensive report is always provided and reduction recommendations are outlined in various levels of detail. Emission Statement reports are comprehensive, easy to understand, and can cover one facility through to an entire international organisation.

2. Carbon Footprint and Benchmarking

The Carbon Emissions Footrpint is presented in an easy to access format, along with relevant benchmarks (when requested) to fully understand current performance against similar organisations.

Carbon Footprint Big

3. Carbon Reduction Plan

Carbon emissions reduction recommendations are summarised in a simple Carbon Reduction Plan (CRP) suitable for distribution throughout the business or presentation to senior management.These are tailored to every individual facility. MACC (Marginal Abatement Cost Curve) Analysis is also provided where appropriate.


MACC Curve

4. Legislative Overview

Where relevant, Emission Statement will provide a detailed overview of individual companies legislative reporting requirements. This includes relevance to NGERS (National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting System), CPRS and CDP Reporting.

5. Supply Chain Analysis

Where appropriate, Emission Statement is able to provide detailed analysis of your company supply chain carbon footprint. This enables emissions to be calculated throughout your transport and logistics operations, often enabling further emissions reduction. Such analysis is increasingly important for those companies dealing with major retailers or government organisations.

Supply Chain

6. Data Collection and Audit Trail

To ensure easier collection for ongoing Carbon Emissions Reports, details of ownership and relevance of data can also be incorporated in to the report. This is an important element of NGER compliance – where a rigorous record keeping program is required to ensure full compliance.

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